Report Finds 1/4 of Renters Never Plan to Own a Home

A new report by finds that 27 percent of renters surveyed indicated they do not plan to ever purchase a home, while 68 percent said it would be more than two years before they do.

Of the 68 percent of renters who plan to someday purchase a home, nearly 80 percent said there are factors that could inspire them to purchase within the next 12 months. Factors cited included: Able to save enough for a down payment, 47 percent; got a new job, 28 percent; interest rates stay low/get lower, 27 percent; decide it makes more financial sense to buy instead of rent, 24 percent; got a promotion/raise, 23 percent; and local real estate market stabilized, 9 percent.

According to the study, 72 percent of American adults still believe homeownership is part of their personal American dream. Additionally, 23 percent of those surveyed said their attitude toward owning a home has grown more positive over the last six months.

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